HIV Stages and Viral Suppression - A.J.

Without treatment HIV infections advances in stages and becomes worse over time. The virus gradually destroys the body's immune system and eventually causes AIDS. HIV has 3 stages:

  • Acute HIV infection

  • Chronic HIV infection

  • AIDS

Acute HIV Infection

This is the earliest stage of HIV infections and mostly develops within 2 weeks post infection. Some people may experience flu-like symptoms like fever, headache and rash. At this stage the virus multiplies fast and spreads throughout the body, destroying infection-fighting cells called CD4 cells. During the acute stage, HIV level in the blood is very high which increases the risk of HIV transmission.

Chronic HIV Infection

This is the second stage of HIV infection, also known as asymptomatic HIV infection or latency phase. During this stage, the virus continues to multiply in the body, but at a slow pace. People with chronic HIV infections may not have HIV-related symptoms. Without treatment with Antiretroviral Therapy (ART), chronic HIV infections advances to AIDS. It may take 10 years or longer. People on ART may stay in this stage for longer. At this stage transmission of HIV is possible, but with proper treatment with ART to undetectable viral load level, there are no risks of transmission to a person who is HIV-negative through sex.


This is the final and most severe stage of HIV infection. The immune system is destroyed and the body cannot fight of opportunistic infections. Opportunistic infections are infections and infections related cancers that occur more frequently which are severe in weakened immune systems than in people with healthy immune systems). The viral load can be high and are able to transmit to others very easily. Without treatment, people with AIDS typically survives for about 3 years.

Viral Suppression

This basically means having less than 200 copies of HIV per milliliter of blood. Viral suppression helps keep you healthy and prevents transmission. This can be achieved by effective Antiretroviral Therapy (ART).

A.J.’s Note:

Let's take our medication well and adhere to our treatment plans. This way we can achieve undetectable viral load and live a healthy and productive life!

Other notes: Having undetectable viral load doesn't mean you are cured.

Reference: WebMD


Opportunistic Infections and Prevention - A.J.


Emotional, Social and Economic Impacts of HIV and AIDS - A.J.